If you have a recreational vehicle, boat or trailer sitting on the street within the City of Spokane, it is going to have to be moved. As part of the City’s revamped snow response plan, an emphasis is under way to get those kind of items into winter storage that’s not on the streets.
These vehicles need to be moved by Nov. 15. They may be towed after that because they are difficult to plow around.
In response to citizen concerns, the City is revamping its snow response plan for the 2017-2018 Snow Season. Citizens and businesses will see:
- More plowing, sooner.
- More equipment and people available for snow removal.
- Quicker completion of the full-City plow during heavier snowfalls of about three days.
- Piloting of new equipment to minimize driveway berms.
- Greater emphasis on plowing snow away from sidewalks.
- Simplified seasonal parking rules and more emphasis on clearing sidewalks.
More information on the City’s snow response plan is available on the City’s web site.