The Riverpoint Campus in the University District has brand new crosswalks. Two were recently installed, thanks to a collaborative effort by the Growth and Transportation Efficiency Center program (GTEC), Spokane County Commute Trip Reduction program, Spokane Regional Health District, WSU Spokane, and the City of Spokane.
The new crosswalks were installed at the bus stop at the east end of Riverpoint Blvd., and a midpoint crossing from the north parking lot next to the Riverpoint One Building to the campus’s main parking lot. Additionally, landscaping changes will help improve pedestrian visibility and safety. Another crosswalk was re-striped at the bus stop at the west end on Riverpoint Blvd. and additional signage was installed.
The new crosswalks were identified as high priorities for improvement of pedestrian safety in a walk-ability audit conducted on the campus last fall by GTEC staff with assistance from students, staff, and faculty of WSU Spokane and EWU Spokane.
Very glad to have improved ped safety (hope people still look both ways before they cross!).
Our campus master plan update emphasizes connectivity, walkability, bikeability, and transit connections, so we'll continue to improve.
Overview of campus development:
Master plan info page:
Director of Communications & Public Affairs