News release just received from the WSDOT. When will it end????
April 18, 2008
11:15 a.m.
Rapid weather change will make mountain pass driving a challenge
Drivers need to be prepared for winter driving conditions
SNOQUALMIE PASS – Weather forecasters are still predicting heavy snowfall in the mountain passes this weekend, which could make driving a challenge. The latest forecast calls for up to a foot of snow to fall on Snoqualmie Pass by Saturday night.
“It’s April, but winter just isn’t letting go,” said Snoqualmie Pass Maintenance Superintendent Al Minerich. “Drivers heading over the passes this weekend should allow more time to get to their destinations and prepare for winter driving conditions.”
Although it may feel like springtime in the valleys of Washington, the mountains are still experiencing winter like conditions. WSDOT Avalanche Forecasters will continue to monitor the storm, and if necessary conduct avalanche control work.
“If more than six inches of snow accumulates above the passes or if there is a sudden rise in temperature, avalanche control work will be needed and that will delay traffic,” said WSDOT Avalanche Forecaster Lee Redden.
US 2 Stevens Pass and US 12 White Pass
The forecast for Stevens (US 2) and White Pass (US 12) isn’t promising either. Crews expect up to six inches of snowfall by Saturday morning.
To find out the latest information about mountain pass conditions before you go, call 511 or visit our Web site:
While traveling over the pass, tune your radio to AM 1610 or AM 530 for the latest traffic updates.