To keep people moving in today’s heavy snowfall, the City of Spokane is changing its plowing strategy to concentrate on specific north-south and east-west corridors. Plow crews will rotate through these corridors continuously.
Mayor Mary Verner will update the media on current plowing efforts and related work at the City Street Department’s Normandie complex near Sinto and Washington at 2:30 p.m. today.
Here are the east-west routes:
* Francis Avenue. This corridor will start at the west City limits on Nine Mile Road to Havana on the east.
* Wellesley Avenue. This corridor will run between Assembly and Freya.
* Second and Third avenues. This corridor will include the Sunset Highway to the east, and then run along Second and Third until Havana.
* 29th Avenue. This corridor runs between Cedar and Havana.
* 37th Avenue. This corridor runs between Bernard and the east City limits.
Here are the north-south routes:
* Maple/Ash corridor. This corridor runs from Country Homes Boulevard on the north to Hatch Road on the south.
* Division Street and Stevens. This corridor starts along the Newport Highway on the north, through the “Y”, through town and up the South Hill along Grand, Stevens, and Bernard streets to 29th.
* Market Street and Thor/Ray. This corridor runs along Market/Greene across the interstate and up Thor/Ray on the South Hill to 37th Avenue.