SRTC’s 2015 Spokane Regional Construction Map here. The map is updated as new projects start and existing ones wrap up.
You may notice that projects underway now are more prominent while ones that will start later this construction season are more in the background.
26 between Vantage and Colfax, as fans travel to and from the WSU Cougar
football game. Game time is 12:30 p.m.
November 7, from 8 a.m. until 11:30 a.m., traffic on SR 904/Main Street will be
detoured to adjacent streets between “B” Street and Union Street for EWU homecoming
activities. Also, on Saturday, November 7, drivers on I-90 between
Spokane and Four Lakes, plus SR 904 from Four Lakes to Cheney should expect
congestion as fans travel to and from the EWU Eagle football game. Game
time is 3 p.m.
Replacements- On Wednesday and Thursday,
November 11 and 12, Paradise Road, just west of SR 904, will be closed. A detour will be in place. On Friday and Saturday, November 13
& 14, Jenson Road just west of SR 904 will be closed, with a detour in place. These closures are 24 hours a day for railroad crossing replacement. These are
located just north of Cheney. All SR 904 lanes are open.
Addison/Standard Bicycle/Pedestrian Corridor from Buckeye to Holland- Work
is underway on Lincoln and Standard heading north to Magnesium for sidewalk and driveway installation. Traffic control is in place with possible lane restrictions. This
project will complete a major bicycle and pedestrian corridor. It will
add new bike lanes and sidewalks along the entire corridor and make
improvements to existing bike lanes.
Community Development Sidewalks- Crews
will be working on Southeast Boulevard from Rockwood Boulevard to 27th
Avenue. Traffic control will be in place with flaggers during the day. This
project is the removal and construction of concrete curb, sidewalk and ADA curb
First Avenue from Helena to Altamont– First Avenue paving is complete. Lane restrictions are in
place for signing and striping. This
project also has a grind-and-overlay pavement preservation project that includes minor subgrade repair, crack sealing, ADA ramps, striping and
traffic control.
Francis Avenue- Division to East City Limits- This
project calls for installation of Variable Message Signs, Closed Circuit TV
systems, fiber optic cables, and other related miscellaneous items. Drivers will see intermittent lane closures for the duration of the project, which is
expected to be completed by the end of November. Camera installation remains.
Hartson Avenue from Altamont Street to Fiske Street- Paving is complete on Hartson from Fiske to Smith Street. Traffic Island installation goes through Tuesday,
November 10 at the intersection of Hartson and Fiske. Crews will be
cleaning stormwater and sewer structures along Hartson from Fiske to Smith on Monday, November 9 through Friday, November 13. Hartson will open from Fiske to Smith Street tentatively November 13, weather permitting. This
project includes reconstructing the roadway, filling sidewalk
gaps, replacing curbing where needed and installing ADA curb ramps.
Havana Street from Glenrose to 37th– Havana paving continues. Improvements
include full width pavement replacement, filling sidewalk gaps and bicycle lanes.
High Drive and Hatch Road- 43rd
Avenue from Scott to Garfield Street is closed. This
project will construct a storage facility for CSO Basin 20 at 43rd
Avenue and Garfield Street.
Madison Street Closure– Madison
Street from 3rd Avenue to Freeway Avenue North is closed.
project will create an “Auto District” with streetscape amenities. This
project is in general bounded by Monroe Street on the east, Adams Street on the
west, 2nd to the North, and Freeway Avenue to the South.
Monroe/Lincoln Couplet- Crews are paving both Lincoln and
Monroe from 2nd to 4th Avenues. Fourth Avenue from
Monroe to Lincoln is set to pave Tuesday, November 10, weather permitting.
Paving of all streets on this project will involve paving half of the road
sections and switching traffic over to the newly paved half after it has cooled, then paving the remaining half.
Northwest Boulevard and Columbia Circle Sewer Work- Columbia Circle and Glass Street are paved and open. H Street
remains closed. This project includes the installation of a 900,000 gallon tank. New water
mains will be added at H Street, Glass Avenue and Columbia Circle. Columbia Circle, H
Street and Glass Avenue will be repaved and sidewalks repaired.
Ray/Thor Street from 17th to 29th Avenues- Paving of Ray Street is complete. Traffic island
installations are underway with the two inside lanes closed. One lane in each direction remains open in the outside lanes next to the
curbs. Ray Street will open tentatively November 10.
Rowan from Driscoll Boulevard to Alberta Street- “A” street from Francis to Wellesley Avenue will be closed for
the final time this year, Thursday November 5 through Friday, November 6, for
paving completion of Rowan Avenue. The intersection of north “A” Street
and Rowan Avenue will be closed for this paving.
Trent and Regal Street- Trent and Regal Street will be paved and opened Friday, November
6. This project will
construct stormwater treatment installation and disposal facilities such as
swales in various locations throughout the project. Lane restrictions will be in place until weather closes the project for winter. Work
continues on Springfield from Trent to Napa.
Spokane Falls Boulevard– Spokane
Falls Boulevard has lane restrictions between Howard and Wall Street. Traffic control begins at Washington to move traffic towards the north side
lanes. The south left turn lane at Howard Street is open. This work is part of the Wall Street
Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) project and will include the installation of a
manhole, catch basins, and a clean water drain. This work will
continue through the end of the month.
No current projects that impact traffic.
November. A pedestrian detour is posted for students from University High School.
and Valleyway Intersection- Lane
reductions on Argonne and a portion of Valleyway from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m.
through late November. Pedestrians are redirected to the crosswalk on the
north side of the intersection.
at Spokane Valley Mall Entrance #2 – Reduced
to one lane in each direction weekdays from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. through
late November. At least one lane will remain open at all times and access to
the mall will remain available.
and Valleyway- Lane reductions on
Mullan and a portion of Valleyway at Mullan from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m.
until late November. Pedestrians will be redirected to use the existing
crosswalk on the north side of the intersection.
Sullivan Road Bridge Replacement Project Area:
The southbound
Sullivan Road Bridge across the Spokane River is closed until Summer 2016 for
bridge demolition and replacement work.
Traffic is reduced to one lane northbound and two lanes southbound.
times to one lane southbound Monday through Friday between 5 a.m. and 2:30
Turns from Indiana
onto northbound Sullivan are reduced to one lane.