City of Spokane
- The Division Street gateway project to improve the look of the city’s main entrance off I-90 starts on Monday. Division and Browne streets from First to Third avenues will have lane closures on the east side of both streets. The project involves landscaping, sidewalks, curbs, electrical conduit, stormwater facilities and asphalt patching.
- Elsewhere in the city of Spokane, the intersection of 37th Avenue and Ray Street has reopened.
- The unfinished reconstruction on Monroe and Lincoln streets from Main to Second avenues is set for final paving in midsummer.
- Avista crews will be working on the east side of Lincoln on utilities from Second to Sprague avenues.
- Pettet Drive will be closed through Friday as part of a new wastewater retention tank.
- The wastewater tank project on Spokane Falls Boulevard near Lincoln is going to force a lane closure Wednesday on Spokane Falls to install a safety barrier. Traffic is being detoured from Spokane Falls onto Lincoln to Riverside Avenue.
- A new pedestrian crossing with curb extensions and storm drainage improvements is going into Garland Avenue at Stevens Street.
- Northwest Boulevard near Knox Avenue is getting a new median island, pedestrian crossing, landscaping and irrigation.
Spokane Valley
- In Spokane Valley, Buckeye Avenue between McMillan Road and the city limits is closed to all but local traffic for sewer and roadwork.
- Pierce Road south of 32nd Avenue has flaggers on the job to direct traffic through the gas line work.
- The intersection of Greenacres Road and Sinto Avenue has local access only for a pole replacement.