Four projects submitted by SRTC made the list of top projects vying for $30-40 million of National Highway Performance Program (NHPP) federal funding for improvements to roadways that are part of the National Highway System (NHS). The Washington State Department of Transportation issued a call for projects earlier this year and received over 40 applications for projects totaling approximately $78 million in requests.

The four projects from our area include:

  • Spokane County’s Country Homes, Cedar to Wall Street- Grind and Inlay of travel lanes and fog seal roadway and shoulders
  • Spokane County’s Hawthorne, Nevada to Parksmith- Grind and inlay of travel lanes and fog seal roadway and shoulders
  • Spokane City’s Spokane Street Preservation Central- Grind and overlay, subgrade repairs and upgrade curb ramps.
  • Spokane City’s Spokane Street Preservation North- Grind and overlay, subgrade repairs, and upgrade curb ramps.

A committee is working to prioritize the projects. Funding will be awarded to projects at the top and work down the list until the money is gone.

The objective of the program is to highlight the importance of preserving roadways. This is done by offering incentives to agencies to use asset management strategies that maximize the life of the roadway but aren’t prohibitively expensive. The projects were evaluated based on the sponsoring agency’s use of pavement management strategies and level of investment to preserve and maintain their roadway system.





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