Country Homes Boulevard (Wall to SR 395)- Stormwater
work in the raised islands and topsoil installation. Occasional lane closures for cleanup work, expect delays.
Argonne Road Near Columbia- Placing Aerial Fiber on existing poles. One lane traffic with flaggers through early January.
Geiger Blvd/W. Westbow Blvd (between Thomas Mallen
Road & Soda Road)-
Geotechnical core drilling. Lane
restrictions with flaggers
61st (Palouse Highway to Yale Road) and
Ben Burr Road (from 57th to 65th)- 
Road Reconstruction & Waterline installation. Road Closure, Detour in place.
No scheduled work

No scheduled work

Bridge Avenue and Monroe Street CSO Work- 
Blvd./Bridge Ave. is closed to traffic. 

has one northbound lane open.  Lincoln southbound is closed at Broadway. This
project will construct a Combined Sewer Overflow Tank (CSO) tank and the
necessary piping for our Cleaner River Faster Program.

Pettet Drive/TJ Meenach Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO 12) Project- Pettet Drive is closed to traffic. The clover leaf that
services TJ Meenach, Down River and Pettit Drive is in service. The leg that comes off Peteit north bound re-directs citizens to Northwest Blvd. Vehicles traveling southbound on Down River Drive have two options,  enter onto TJ Meenach or  continue under the bridge and turn
uphill to Northwest Blvd. This
project will build a 690,000 gallon storage facility and connections to
existing CSO Basin 10 outfall.  Work also includes repaving of Pettet
Drive and pedestrian/bike trail construction.

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