Several area state highways are closed due to drifting snow today and Whitman County is basically locked down. Here are the closures:
– Route 23- from Steptoe to the Lincoln County line
– Route 26- from Colfax west for 13 miles
– Route 271- from Rosalia to Oaksdale
– Route 27 from Pullman to Oaksdale
– Route 195 from Spangle to Stateline
– Shoqualmie Pass is closed due to avalanche danger. Both White and Stevens pass are still open at this time.
– SR 129 from Anatone to the Oregon State Line in Asotin County is closed for the same reasons.
And here are some areas to avoid this morning:
– A semi is stuck at First and Division
– Havana Street is closed just north of Sprague to Main due to a broken water main about 150 feet north of Sprague Avenue.
– Several slide offs have been reported on Interstate 90