Here’s a news release from the WSDOT regarding a construction project that could be high impact. People who drive this stretch already know that it’s extremely difficult to get onto Trent from either direction of Starr during the peak drivetimes, and now there’s going to be this to contend with.
That intersection has seen a lot of accidents over the years though, so I’m sure the improvements will far outweigh the inconvenience.
SR 290/Starr Road intersection improvement project getting underway
SPOKANE-Contractor crews will begin work on Monday, April 28th on State Route 290 (Trent Road) where it intersects with Starr Road near Newman Lake .
Several improvements will be made at this intersection that is located about 13 miles east of Spokane. A right turn lane from westbound SR 290 onto northbound Starr Road will be added with curbing and gutters. In addition, the illumination system will be upgraded.
The added right-turn lane should reduce the potential for westbound rear end collisions.
Spokane Rock Products of Spokane, WA is the prime contractor on this project with a construction bid of $146,348. The project should be completed by mid June.
Information on the project is available on the internet at: