I’ve been out in public a lot lately for a series of community events, and have been hearing from MANY people that they’re irritated by all the construction projects that slow them down.
The Inlander must have been hearing this too because they published
this article in this week’s edition about the state of construction in the region.
Well there are good points to the construction also. When I went to the Visioning meeting at the West Central Community Center I took the Wellesley bus which due to the detour it takes to miss west Wellesley construction it goes right by the West Central Community Center. The Nevada bus detours a to a block from my house while they are working on Nevada. They did pick a very rough street for that detour, if they had chosen one block south that street is a lot smoother, it was paved in the 1990s bond issue, and Queen was supposed to be paved then also, but they ran out of money after finishing Olympic.
The other good point about construction is that when it's done, you've got a nice smooth street! No potholes.
Maybe Queen will get it next time around. The City is already starting to work on their strategy for getting the next Bond passed. We'll be hearing LOTS about that very soon.