I was asked to compile some information to be included in the 2011-2030 Washington Transportation Plan (WTP 2030) that the Washington State Transportation Commission is developing.

WTP 2030 is an effort to craft a new vision and goals for an integrated statewide transportation system.

One of the questions I was asked to provide information on was ‘Identify your region’s top recent accomplishments; either infrastructure projects or policy-based accomplishments.’

I sat down with the boss and here’s what we came up with:

– Obtaining TIGER funds for the North Spokane Corridor

– Doing a major over-haul of the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) in 2007, then updating it in 2008 and again this upcoming summer.

– The SmartRoutes non-motorized transportation initiative

– And the near-completion of the Fish Lake Trail, using stimulus funds.

All this looking back over the past few years got me thinking; some of those projects are pretty behind-the-scenes and beauracratically-oriented. If I asked the average Joe on a Spokane street what he thought are some of our area’s recent major accomplishments in transportation, what would he say? So I’m asking you; what do you see as our major accomplishments? Why?

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