Any time I ask, ‘What would get you to ride your bike to work more often?’ one of the first answers I get is, ‘More bike parking.’ We’re getting better about providing bike parking in our area, but there’s still a lot needed. In fact, we’re no where near as progressive as the Japanese city in this video, where they park bikes underground! Check it out. And thanks to Charlie from the North Idaho Centennial Trail Foundation for sending this to me.
Going Underground With Bike Parking
by SRTC Staff | Aug 27, 2009 | Uncategorized | 4 comments
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Man I love Japan
I know. They have all the cool stuff; trains, robots, underground bike parking, Toyota, Hello Kitty…
Hey, they even have human filing cabinet-like beds you can crawl into for a nap. YES!
It's not just the Japanese, I have one of those in my office too. Oh wait, it actually IS a filing cabinet.