I almost forgot to remind you to attend the Complete Streets meeting tonight. Complete streets are those that are designed to enable safe access for all users.
If a complete street policy were implemented in Spokane, it would direct planners and
engineers to consistently design roadways with all users in mind, meaning pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users would be considered just as important
as motorists.
Complete streets help provide safe access for people who use wheelchairs, have vision
impairments, and for older people and children. Some items considered to help to complete a street include crosswalks, sidewalks, street lighting, median islands, pedestrian signals, street trees, bike lanes, traffi calming measures, dedicated bus lanes, transit stops, accessible transit stops, well-placed crossing opportunities, and bus pullouts.
Every street will NOT have all of these amenities under a complete streets policy, but every street will eventually be evaluated to see which of the above amenities should be added.
Tonight’s meeting will be to teach members of the public about the ‘complete streets’ concept, hear what they have to say about the current condition of Spokane streets, and talk about what it would take to get complete streets policies implemented here. The meeting is from 5:30- 7 p.m. at the Central YMCA, 930 N. Monroe St.