You’ve only got a few days left to apply to be a member of SRTC’s Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC). The TAC is a citizen committee that provides transparency and a community perspective to the local transportation planning process. The TAC advises the SRTC Policy Board regarding plans, programs and activities to determine consistency with SRTC’s policies; makes recommendations on regional transportation policies; and tackles other activities as directed by the Board.

We’re looking for a diverse team of TAC members. We’re looking for everyday people and those who represent groups such as people with disabilities, senior citizens, youth, the business and freight moving communities, traditional automobile users and advocates for non-motorized transportation or public transit.

The time commitment is very manageable, in my opinion. The TAC meets onces a month (the fourth Monday of each month) at 3 p.m. in the SRTC office at 221 W. First Ave. While the group makes decisions that have a real impact on the community, it’s a fun committee and the meetings are always interesting. Plus you get to be the first to know about upcoming projects so you can wow friends and family with your transportation knowledge.

More information and the application is here: Hurry though, the deadline to turn apps in is this Friday, November 9.

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