I wasn’t able to attend the Complete Streets public meeting at the YMCA last night, but my ‘sources’ say that it had pretty good turnout for a public meeting with around 50 people attending.
I’m told that there appeared to be a lot of interest from attendees in the possibility of implementing a complete streets policy in our area. For those of you not familiar with complete streets, its a movement to get planners and engineers to consistently design roadways with all users in mind. That would mean pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users would be considered just as important as drivers. To show that they’re important, street designs would include amenities such as crosswalks, sidewalks, street lighting, median islands, bike lanes, dedicated bus lanes, and bus pullouts.
Not EVERY street would have every option though; each street would be evaluated to see who uses it and which of the above items would make their travels safer. For more information on complete streets, here’s a link to the national complete streets website. And for those of you who want to get involved in the local complete streets movement, here’s a link to a local complete streets Facebook page where you can get more info and join to get updates.
That's RAD!
Yes, it is! We've got a long way to go though to get complete streets policies in place, which isn't so rad 🙁