The City of Spokane’s Five Mile project begins construction on Monday, May 11. The project will widen and rebuild the street to 44-feet to include curbs and a continuous sidewalk on the west side, a 5-ft. bike lane north and shared-use bike lane south on Five Mile Road from Austin Road to Lincoln Road.
Additionally, from Stratton Avenue to Lincoln Street, trees will be planted, sewer and water lines, grass swales, a two-way left turn lane will be installed, and a truck climbing lane will be added from Austin Rd. to Stratton Ave.
Five Mile Rd. from Austin Rd. to Alberta St. will have two northbound lanes and one southbound lane, Five Mile Rd. from Alberta St. to Lincoln Rd. will have one lane in each direction with a center turn lane. Five Mile Rd. from Austin Rd. to Cochran Ave. will be closed. Additionally, the intersection of Lincoln Rd. and Five Mile Rd. will be closed. Motorists will be detoured to Austin Rd. to Quamish Dr. and then onto Cascade Way and back to Five Mile Rd.