Pick up this Thursday’s edition of the Inlander and Spokesman-Review ‘Voice’ sections; they will have details of the City’s snow removal plan in them, along with a map of residential snow plow routes.
Under the plan, the City defines the snow season as Nov. 15 to March 15. During this time, the City may declare a snow emergency when weather conditions warrant. A Stage 1 Snow Emergency is declared when 2 inches of snow are on the ground and 4 more are anticipated during the current snow event; a Stage 2 Snow Emergency is declared when 6 inches of snow are on the ground and more is anticipated in the current snow event.
A Stage 1 Snow Emergency requires citizens to move parked cars off of all arterials and STA fixed bus routes, and to park on one side of the street residential hill routes, while a Stage 2 Snow Emergency requires citizens to park on one side of the street in residential areas. For the 2011-12 winter, citizens will be asked to park on the odd side of the street (odd number addresses).
Removing snow from sidewalks within 24 hours of a snow storm also is critical. Two years ago, a committee of citizens, local school representatives, Spokane Transit Authority representatives, and City employees looked at an enhanced approach to sidewalk snow removal that would issue tickets for those who failed to comply. The City has asked for voluntary compliance and can send warnings or tickets to property owners.