A couple items form the City of Spokane to be aware of for next week:
– The project to rehabilitate Market St. from Garland to Francis avenues begins next Monday, July 20. The following dirt streets will be paved as part of that project: Rowan, Sanson, Everett, and Wabash avenues from Market St. east to the railroad right-of-way. The project includes a full depth curb-to-curb rehabilitation of Market Street from Garland to Francis avenues including replacing existing curbs and sidewalks; and paving Rowan, Sanson, Everett, and Wabash avenues from Market St. east to the railroad right-of-way; and installation of pedestrian lighting and trees from Heroy Avenue to Columbia Avenue.
– The National Veterans Wheelchair Games handcylcing event will be held downtown this Saturday, July 18. Streets in the downtown core will be closed from 7 to 9:30 a.m. The streets include: Riverside Ave., Main Ave. and Spokane Falls Blvd. from Browne to Lincoln streets, and the Washington St. couplet.
– The skywalk between the Old Crescent Court in the Sterling Building and the STA Plaza will reopen at 6 a.m. on Monday, July 20. The closure is needed for construction.
– Eighth Ave. from Sunset Blvd. to Government Way is closed to allow crews to demolish the old bridge as part of the Fish Lake Trail project.
At the Wednesday night Hillyard neighborhood meeting they said the contractor would start at Market an Garland and work north to the Y with Haven. Then the contractor will go north to Francis and head south. By doing it this way they hope to have Haven open in 15 working days.
Wow, that's impressive, 15 working days! I know, it's still two weeks of inconvenience, but it should be really nice when done. There's nothing like the smell of fresh asphalt 🙂
Market will be closed in the business district for quite a while, but getting Haven open will be a good thing, lets hope all goes well and they can follow the plan.
They have the top coat of asphalt on Market and lanes striped from Garland to almost Wellesley. They are working on the intersection of Market and Wellesley today, so hopefully that section will open soon.
Thanks for the update Charles. I expect my weekly construction update from the City tomorrow so if it says on it when that section will open I'll let you know.
Thought you might like to see last week’s construction photos from the GHBA – http://picasaweb.google.com/jr.sloan/MarketStreetRevitalization093009 new curbs Wellesley to Queen are now in – more sidewalk coming soon.
Got a new set of photos: Thank you GHBA for these new pictures – http://picasaweb.google.com/jr.sloan/MarketStreetRevitalization100809