It’s a new year, which means a new Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) has kicked in. The TIP is a document of programs and projects to be built or put into action in the next four years. It includes project names and descriptions, the jurisdiction sponsoring them, funding attached to each project, and where the funding came from (local, state or federal funds).
Because timelines and funding needs are constantly changing in the transportation world, the TIP is too. It is amended almost monthly throughout the year as SRTC’s member jurisdictions have projects to add, change, or remove from the program; often based on when funding becomes available or projects move toward being construction-ready.
We’re looking for input on the first amendment to the 2018-2021 Transportation Improvement Program of 2018. If approved by SRTC’s Board in February, that amendment will add multiple new projects to the document, delete one project and change the details of a couple other projects included in the program. You can see all the proposed changes at More information on the 2018-2021 TIP can be found there as well. Hardcopies of both are available by calling (509) 343-6370.
We’re asking you to review the amendment and let us know if you have thoughts on it. A public comment period runs through 4 p.m. on Friday, January 26, 2018. Comments can be submitted by commenting here;
emailing to, mailing to SRTC at 421 W. Riverside Ave., Suite 500, Spokane, WA, or by calling (509) 343-6370.