You are invited to a meeting to learn about Spokane County’s Bigelow Gulch/Forker Road Intersection (Project 4A) and Bigelow Gulch (Project 5) projects at an open house next week.
Project 4A will construct a portion of the Bigelow Gulch project at the existing Forker intersection. A structure will be constructed for Bigelow Gulch traffic to pass over Forker traffic to eliminate left turning traffic on Bigelow Gulch Road. Connections to existing Bigelow Gulch Road west near Evergreen Road and north and south of Forker will be made to provide a drivable link. This project has been awarded and start of construction is weather-dependent.
Project 5 is on the Bigelow Gulch Road/Forker Road corridor between the existing Bigelow Gulch/Forker Road intersection and a new Bigelow Gulch/Progress Road intersection. Construction will occur in two phases. The first phase will construct the south portion primarily east of existing Forker Road. The second phase will connect the first phase with the improvements from the Bigelow Gulch/Forker Road intersection project. A five-lane section, two lanes each direction with a center left turn lane will be constructed.
The Open House is at East Valley Middle School, 4920 N. Progress, Spokane Valley, WA on November 13, 2017, from 5-7 p.m.